Wacky Packages Artist

Jay Lynch

Capital Nun Credit Card by Jay Lynch

Jay drew this little beauty in the year 2000 for a private collector employed at Capital One.  See if you can find the hidden messages in the name and numbers.


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Wacky Packages Artists

Jay's 1970's
Wacky Roughs

Wacky Packages Color Roughs

Wacky Packages Black & White Roughs


Wacky Hackers
by Jay Lynch

Duum,   Lame-Boy,    Monkey Dung,   Must,   Puke-Man,    The Slums,    Streak Fighter,    Stupid Mafia Bros.,   Windbags98

2006 Caricature Cards Jay Lynch ANS3 Art Cards
Jay's HomePage http://www.mindspring.com/~jaylynch/

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email  Rusty@LostWackys.com

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copyright  LostWackys.com     Photos, artwork, and illustrations are displayed for educational purposes only.

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